In Fleet A, we had an Omega-class Destroyer, a Battlestar (original series), and my Railgun Gunstar.
The Omega has Beam batteries and Grasers. The Battlestar has Grasers, Pulse torpedoes, and Beam batteries. The Railgun Gunstar has, you guessed it, a massive class-6 kinetic gun, and some beam batteries on the side.
In Fleet B, we had two Vorchans, a Berzerk Gunstar, a Battlestar (new series), and my own creation, a Pulsar Heavy Cruiser.
The Vorchan is equipped with Pulse torpedoes and beam batteries. The Berzerk has salvo missiles and beam batteries. The Battlestar features a lot of beam batteries and point defense. The Pulsar is outfitte with 4 wide-arc Grasers, two kinetic guns, and a needle beam.
The game was played with vector movement rules and no terrain.