Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sci-Fi Models - Part 2!

Painted! Warlock Destroyer and Starfuries

Presenting my (mostly) painted Warlock and Starfury fighters.  Note the painted sensor boom, darker grey highlights on the gun and missile barrels, and the lighted windows painted to the sides.  On the Starfuries, the main detail I've added lately is the canopy lines.  All that's left is to paint the base and stand pegs block on the Warlock!

Painted! Omega Destroyer

I'm pretty proud of this one.  My Omega class destroyer is fully painted and detailed.  Note the black hanger and red-tipped sensor boom on the bow, the red missile doors going down the sides, and the black/red engines to the stern.  Bases are fully painted black and it's ready for duty.


This is the full collection of sci-fi models between me and my office-mate at work.  Most of the ships are mine.  Ships that are notably NOT mine include the massive awesome-looking hand-painted USS Defiant on the far right, the Babylon 5 station on the left, and the very well-painted Sharlin Warcruiser near the center.

Front of this table is our Babylon 5 fleets.  My Earthforce ships to the left, followed by Minbari and Interstellar Alliance ships in the middle, then a Narn G'Quan and a Centauri fleet after that to the right.

Behind that is a line of every Enterprise from Star Trek, from original series, the refit Enterprise A, all the way to E.  In addition, we've got a Klingon Bird of Prey, and a few other assorted Federation ships.  I can take zero credit for painting any of these, they're all pre-painted miniatures.

To the right, we have a few Battlestar Galactica ships.  My office-mate has a well-painted Battlestar Pegasus at his home, missing from this picture.

Finally, on the back-left, is my beautiful NSEA Protector from Galaxy Quest.  I can't take credit for painting it, but it's a big model and a real beauty!

My future modeling goals will be to paint my Excalibur model and my Galactica model.  I may buy some more ships next month, as well, and I'm open to suggestions :D

Thanks for taking a look!

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