Black Templar "Black Tide" Army |
Tau "Kauyon" Army |
On the left, my Black Templar army. I have two 20-man Crusade squads, one led by a Chaplain and the other led by the Emperor's Champion (with Accept Any Challenge). They are armed with frag and krak grenades, and a mixture of bolt pistols and bolt guns. They have no special or heavy weapons. One Initiate in each army has a power fist. Next, I have a 10-man Assault Squad led by another Chaplain with a jump pack. This entire squad has melta bombs. Finally, my single vehicle, a Predator Annihilator, equipped with a twin-linked lascannon and two side sponsons with lascannons on each, along with Power of the Machine Spirit. Total model count is 54. There are no transports, heavy weapons, or terminators. The goal is to rush down the table using Righteous Zeal and kill things quickly, using the Predator to take out key targets at long range early. This is my first attempt at a "Black Tide" army, using lots of models and tons of attacks to create something somewhat akin to an Ork "Green Tide", but with smaller numbers and higher skilled units.
On the right, my Tau army. This is a old style army I'm trying out called a "Kauyon" army. The goal is to use skirmish lines of Kroot, Piranhas and Gun Drones to delay the enemy advance and give the main fire base of Fire Warriors, Battlesuits and Hammerheads a full opportunity to deal maximum damage each turn. The goal is to essentially sacrifice these front line units, but make them as annoying as possible, and make sure the enemy ends an assault on his turn so you can fire freely during yours.
I have a Shas'el Commander attached to a full Crisis team, all in Fireknife configuration (missile pods and plasma rifles). Next is a stealth team with two marker drones, and a team leader with a markerlight and target lock. Then, two full 12-man squads of Fire Warriors. Then, two Kroot units with 12 Kroot Carnivores, and 4 and 5 Kroot Hounds, respectively. There is a 3-vehicle squadron of Piranhas, all with Fusion blasters and gun pods. For Heavy Support, I included a Hammerhead and two Broadside battlesuits, one target locked to fire at a separate target.
The Map
Here is the map I'll be using. It's deep jungle, with some water and hills. Nothing blocks line of sight nor is impassible on this map. I am treating jungle as 5+ cover and difficult terrain. Water is difficult terrain, but grants no cover. Roads, of course, are open terrain.
This map presents interesting challenges as well as benefits to both armies. The Tau have full field of view, as well as full range, to fire their weapons from turn 1. And the forest grants the Kroot their Fieldcraft cover bonus. But there is also nowhere for Crisis suits to hide behind, or terrain to block and slow the enemy's approach The Black Templar can move toward the Tau at full speed, in a straight line, letting them close the distance quickly. But they must move slowly through the difficult terrain, and they are exposed to gun fire every step of the way.
I rolled for Warlord traits, but they never came into play during this game so I'll ignore them in this battle report. I find they don't usually matter much. The mission I rolled was "The Relic". The objective sits in the middle of the map, and each army must attempt to seize it by the end of the game.
The Black Templar won the roll-off, and chose Tau to deploy first. Tau is, I believe, at a disadvantage deploying first, as it lets them get trapped and outmaneuvered easier. For Tau's deployment, I set up a fire base as far from the enemy as possible, with battlesuits able to take cover behind the Hammerhead, and Piranhas off to the side for harassment. The Black Templar deployment consisted mainly of covering enough ground to charge across the map, leaving no escape route for the mobile Tau. Note that had Tau deployed second, it could have set up a far more efficient position, perhaps splitting its forces or focusing them into a corner for better skirmish position. Because Tau went first, they had to prepare for a multitude of deployment responses from the Black Templar.
Black Templar rolled to seize the initiative and got a 6! They were able to both deploy second and still go first - a decided advantage, although a rare one. Had Tau gone first, this battle report would look decidedly different, you can be sure!
Turn 1 - Black Templar Movement
Pretty simple movement phase. Everything moved forward as much as they could. Because I'm moving through difficult terrain, it's slow going. The Assault Squad used their jump packs, and passed three difficult terrain tests.
Turn 1 - Black Templar Shooting
The Predator Annihilator fired twice at the Hammerhead with lascannons at full ballistic skill but did no damage. With Power of the Machine Spirit, it then fired a snap shot at a Piranha, scoring a glancing hit, but saved by the forest cover. The infantry squads chose to run rather than shoot, trying to get into close combat as fast as possible.
Turn 1 - Tau Movement
The Tau mobilized its skirmish line, advancing Kroot lines forward and jumping up with battlesuits. The Piranhas have decided to move flat out and get behind the enemy lines, hoping to slow the Marines' advance. The Tau plan right now is a delaying action. Note that the main guns, the Firewarriors, Broadsides and Hammerhead, do not need to move much at all with this strategy.
Turn 1 - Tau Shooting
The Piranhas move flat out behind the enemy army. The Tau know that if the Black Templar want to deal with 3 skimmers with fusion blasters, they'll need to halt part of the forward advance to do so. The Kroot, Battlesuits and Hammerhead fire on the Crusader squads marching toward them through the jungle. Several were killed. As a result, due to the Righteous Zeal of the Black Templar, the Marines advance forward yet again.
Although the Kroot are within charge range, they elect not to assault the enemy in close combat. They know they're likely to lose against such skilled foes, and if the Marines get to assault and win during this turn, they'll immediately have additional movement next turn and another potential assault, with no chance to shoot. By stalling, they give the Tau fire base a turn to shoot once the Kroot have been wiped out.
Turn 2 - Black Templar Movement
The Black Templar continued the forward march through the jungle. The Assault Squad decides to double back, using jump packs to close with the enemy Piranhas. They pass two dangerous terrain tests
Turn 2 - Black Templar Shooting.
The entire front line of each Kroot Squad is killed by bolter fire.
The Predator lands a penetrating hit on the Hammerhead, causing it to explode! This explosion also killed a Fire Warrior, a Crisis Battlesuit and a Stealth battlesuit, puncturing their armor. One of the most unlucky vehicle explosions I've ever witnessed!
Turn 2 - Black Templars Charge
The Black Templars do what they love most: charge into close combat with the enemies of the Emperor!
The Assault Squad charged the Piranha squadron, and managed to avoid any wounds from the dangerous Flachette launchers on their hull. One Crusade squad, led by the Chaplain, fail the charge distance roll, but the second Crusade squad led by the Emperor's Champion is luckier. They charge ahead and clash with the Kroot.
Turn 2 - Black Templars Assault
As it is their specialty, the Black Templars rarely fail when they assault the enemy. The Assault Squad, using Melta Bombs, took out the entire Piranha squadron with ease. The Emperor's Champion led his assault squad against the Kroot, wiping them out without a single casualty. The Champion alone killed 4 Kroot Hounds.
Turn 2 - Tau Shoting
You can see I skipped the movement phase. That's because the Tau did as well. They have nothing to do now but fire as many guns as they can.
Every Tau gun trained itself on the Emperor's Champion and his Crusade Squad, and opened fire. Three Markerlights hit and marked the target for the rest of the army to fire at an increased Ballistic Skill. 10 Marines were killed, and the Black Templar passed their morale check. Again, they moved forward with Righteous Zeal, closing the distance with the Fire Warriors.
Turn 3 - Black Templar Movement and Shooting
The Black Templar continue their forward march. The Assault Squad jumped forward, suffering one casualty from a dangerous terrain test. The two Crusade Squads moved forward. A Chaplain controls the relic.
The Kroot lose 5 units from bolter fire, and fail the morale check, falling back. Meanwhile, the Predator fires on the Crisis suits. He hits the Shas'el Commander with a lascannon, causing instant death. Demoralized, the other Crisis suits retreat off the board.
Turn 3 - Black Templar Assault
The Emperor's Champion and his Crusade Squad charge the enemy Fire Warriors. They kill all but two of them, and perform a Sweeping Advance to finish the rest of the unit.
Turn 3 - Tau Movement and Shooting
Once again, the Tau have little choice but to shoot with everything they have. Firewarriors and Broadsides retreat as much as they can while the Kroot continue to fall back. The Fire Warriors land 10 shots on the Emperor's Champion, but every one is saved by the armor of himself or a selfless compatriot. The Broadsides fire both twin-linked railguns, aiming at the Emperor's Champion yet again. A nearby Initiate jumps in the way and saves the Champion with a Look Out Sir!
Turn 4 - Black Templar Movement
The infantry continue to advance.
Turn 4 - Black Templar Shooting
All squads fire at the Fire Warriors and Kroot, killing many of them. The Fire Warriors pass their morale checks.
The Predator fires at the Stealth squad, killing two marker drones and causing the squad to fall back. It retreats off the table and is gone.
Turn 4 - Black Templar Charge
The Emperor's Champion and his Crusade Squad charge into the Fire Warriors in close combat.
Turn 4 - Black Templar Assault
The Emperor's Champion Crusade Squad wipes out the Tau Fire Warriors without much of a fight.
Turn 4 - Tau Shooting
The Broadsides are the only Tau unit left on the board, as the Kroot retreat off the table. The battlesuits fire both railguns at the Emperor's Champion. One misses despite being twin-linked, while the other hits but is saved by his Armor of Faith invulnerable save.
Turn 4 - Tau Assault and Turn 5 - Black Templar Movement
The game is rapidly coming to a conclusion, but the Tau has some desperation left. The surviving Broadsides realize that if they do nothing, they will lose the combat and die in the next turn. As a last-ditch effort, they charge the Emperor's Champion in assault! Although strong and tough to kill, Broadsides are very slow, and attack at Initiative step 2. One was killed before it got a chance to attack by overwatch fire. The other managed to wound and kill the Emperor's Champion, at last! At one wound against one wound, the combat is tied and the Broadsides do not retreat, remaining locked in combat.
The remaining Black Templar forces closed in around the dramatic melee, unable to shoot for fear of hitting a comrade.
Turn 5 - Black Templar Charge
The Assault Squad assaults the rear of the Broadside battlesuit, jumping into the combat to assist their fellow Crusaders.
Turn 5 - Black Templar Assault
The Chaplain attached to the Assault Squad dealt the killing blow to the Broadside battlesuit with his Crozius Arcanum (a power axe).
The battle concluded with 4 objectives won by the Black Templar, against 1 of the Tau, and without the Black Templar losing a single unit.
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