Monday, February 18, 2008

Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu!

Edit: the youtube video is no longer available apparently. Blogspot is also giving me issues about hosting the AVI, so here is the direct URL: Dodonpachi Video

That video is the first footage of the newest shoot-em-up by Cave, and the next game in the Dodonpachi series, Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu. Don't ask me what that means, because I have no idea. All I know is that Dodonpachi is my all-time favorite shmup, Dodonpachi Dai-Ou-Jou is an amazing game although it loses some points for being ridiculously difficult, bordering on the impossible. Even so, Daifukkatsu looks to be amazing, and it's a real shame that it probably won't be getting a port to a home console. It will in all likelihood be the first Dodonpachi game to never leave the arcades.

If you're familiar with Dodonpachi and/or Dai-Ou-Jou, here's some differences that Daifukkatsu will include (as far as one can tell from this video):

When in Hyper mode, regular shot will cancel regular bullets, while the laser will act normally. The pink bullets cannot be canceled, however.

There are now enemies with a laser attack that can only be countered with your own laser, in a similar way to Border Down. It looks like the game design incorporates a challenge in forcing you to choose when to cancel bullets and when to use laser to defend yourself while in Hyper mode.

The chain counter will not always drop immediately to zero when you break your chain. I'm not entirely sure how the chaining system has been changed, though. It might incorporate some stuff from Mushihime-Sama, where the chain counter will drop when you aren't shooting something.

Apparently some ship types do not get any bombs. I don't know how Cave plans to balance that. Those ships probably get hypers more frequently in order to use more bullet canceling, but I'm just speculating at this point.

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